ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


KODA and force majeure circumstances in Ukraine

16 March 2022

Due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in order to save the life and health of KODA employees, we were forced to suspend our work on the shipment of goods and other activities on our clients objects from February 24, 2022 for an indefinite period. Our office and other facilities in Kharkiv are closed.

After the victory over the Russian invaders and normalization of the situation in Ukraine, work of the company will be resumed. We will make every effort to complete deliveries, perform work on ground and settle contracts with all our counterparties.

Our employees stay in touch. We continue to consult customers. For requests, please use the email address with a copy to

Contact phone numbers (also WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber):


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