ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


Taylor Hobson (Great Britain)

The family of these devices was designed specifically to provide precision instrument manufacturers with high precision, low cost, unmatched measuring capability directly in the workplace.

The user is offered a choice:

Talirond 130 - manual
Talirond 130 - manual
Talirond 131C - motorized movement of the sensor along the axes
Talirond 131C - motorized movement of the sensor along the axes

This series of devices is designed in such a way that all devices can be updated, complemented by more extensive capabilities within the series. As a result, the manufacturer can upgrade the equipment as the requirements for measurements grow, without much capital investment. All devices, equipped with personal computers, have a menu that helps to center and level up. The series allows users to make a qualitative improvement in the early stages of production, and accordingly reduce costs. Measurements of circularity, concentricity, eccentricity and beating can be made relative to any of the four basic forms: LS, MZ, MI, MC; measurements of flatness and perpendicularity relative to LS, MZ.


Instruments allow you to handle measurements:

  • Roundness
  • Concentricity
  • Eccentricity
  • Eccentricity angle
  • Flatness
  • Perpendiculars
  • Consistency
  • Harmonics
  • Angle of inclination
  • Deviation from arc
  • Bandwidth filters
  • Intermittent surfaces
  • Automatic defect removal
  • Centering help


  • Kit for probes manufacture 112/2235
  • Measure for checking the spindle error 112/436
  • Standard probes - length 100 mm,
  • Radius 1,2,4 mm
  • Calibration tool 112/436
  • Calibration set 112/1874
  • Measure for setting the column 112/1876
  • 6-cam cartridge 112/1859
  • Talimin 112/2323 sensor

NAMS Certificates

All 130 series devices can be supplied with NAMS (National Accreditation Measuring Service) certificates, which are recognized in most countries of the world.


Work desk and spindle

Тр130 Tр131C
Desk diameter 125 mm 125 mm
Max mass of the detail: 20 kg 20 kg
Max diameter of the measured details 200 mm 370 mm
Max height of the measured details 200 mm 225 mm
Speed of rotation 6 rot/min clockwise
Manual centering range +/- 1.25 mm
Manual leveling range +/- 30 min
Height of the neutral plane above the table surface: 51 mm
Limit of error in roundness measuring
Concentric load +/- 0,025 mkm + 0,00025 mkm/mm above the table surface
Eccentric load +/- 0.025 mkm + 0,0005 mkm/m above the table surface
Axial error 0.025 mkm

Measuring sensor

Standard probe lenghth 100 mm
Measuring range of 100mm probe 2.0 mm
Range of normal resolution mode +- 1,0 mm
Resolution 0.060 mkm
High-resolution range +-0.2 mm
Resolution 0.012 mkm

Power supply

Voltage 90-260 V
Frequency 47-63 Hz
Power 250 V/А max

Air power supply

Тр130 Tр131С
Max pressure 8.1 bar
Min pressure 5.4 bar
Filter <= 5 mkm
Dew point -20 deg.С
Consumption 0.037 m cu./min
Max. oil content 25 mg / m3
Max. content of solid. particles 5 mg / m3

Mass and dimensions (measuring unit)

Тр130 Tр131C
Full mass 38 kg 62 kg
Full lenghth 330 mm 820 mm
Full width 280 mm 343 mm

Additional information